
I don't see chasing as the way most people look at it. To me, chasing is NOT continually trying to go after someone who clearly doesn't want you, that's simply hoeing yourself. Chasing is going after someone who you could have a chance with but they're not easy to get....probably because they have walls up from past hurt. I look at chasing that way because there's nothing wrong with going after who you want. Just because you have to put actual effort and work into it doesn't mean that they're not worth it or that that's a bad thing. People say, "Oh I never chase.", but in reality, if you're not going after the person you want, you're not going to get them. Unless you're just on the same basis from the very start, both of you will be chasing in one way or another at some point. All that really is is *fighting* for what you want because you see it as the best and only option for you. I will chase all around the world to get the person who I truly know I want to be with if that's what it takes for them to know that I'm the truth and the real one. I don't let opportunities pass me by, especially when it comes to finding someone real. You have to ask yourself, are you stopping yourself from running after someone who doesn't deserve you? Or are you chasing after the one who wants/needs to be caught? There is a big difference, and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you can open your eyes and realize who actually deserves to be in your life.
