Real, Not Perfect...

"I want real, not perfect". We've all seen or heard this before, but at this point it kind of seems cliche, doesn't it? But if you stop looking at that sentence as a whole and break down what it really means, it says it all. We see 'perfect and think, "nothing's perfect, of course I wouldn't expect it to be. But i think perfect to many of us actually is what we consider to be normal. We feel as though certain things should go a certain way, usually our way, and that's not normal....which when you think about it would be "perfect".
Nothing ever really goes exactly the way we want. If it did, things would be, well, perfect. With that being said, all you'd have left is 'real'. "Real" is realizing that everything will NOT go the way you intend or imagine, but you STILL try because it's what you want. "Real" is understanding that when things don't go "perfectly" there's still reason to try. You know it's real when things don't go perfectly and you still see why there are reasons to try. It's real when you value all the reasons why it matters to keep trying although things aren't working out perfectly, because there will always be work to be done, no matter how big or small. And when you accept the real that a person brings you, it FEELS as though everything is perfect...because you're finally accepting that person for who they are and what they're trying to bring to your life. So as cliche or cheesy as it may sound...Yes, I want real, not perfect.
