Spending Time

An apparent "problem" with people in relationships in my generation is, of all things, a girl's boyfriend playing video games too much. So, here's my thoughts on that nonsense.
You don't have to do anything special just to spend time together. There is nothing wrong playing video games with your boyfriend. There is nothing that says within a relationship there are certain activities you leave to the boyfriend and certain ones you leave to the girlfriend. Whether it's watching Desperate Housewives with her every week or playing a game of 2K with him every so often, the main point is that you're spending time. Yeah, a lot of girls don't play video games, but if your boyfriend actually WANTS you to play with him, you definitely should. If you're the type to complain about how much he plays his game and he offers you the chance to play, to spend time together, you can't still complain about it. That's just one more way to spend time together and you're ruining it. Stop using the excuse that you don't care to play video games. You're not going to like everything the other does so you should especially take the time to do it so you can see why they like it so much. You don't have to like what the other likes but you should respect their like for it. And you have not one right to complain when he tries to give you a solution and you turn it down. You found a "problem" with the solution, so you need to just get over it. If video games just aren't for you, then don't play them, but you can watch. You don't have to play to show interest. If your next problem is that you think watching is boring, simply get over it. You're together, therefore spending time together. Find a way to be involved because he shouldn't have to stop doing what he likes just because you don't like it.
Little stuff like this is why younger people can't just be happy in a relationship. You put the dumbest terms and conditions on it. You make something as simple as finding a new way to spend time together complicated. Stop saying relationships are complicated when YOU are the one complicating things. It doesn't always have to be what you both agree to do, sometimes you can just suck it up and enjoy what the other likes. You have to understand that compromise goes a long way and doesn't pertain to only the bigger issues. Because not being able to compromise over the small stuff will turn something small into the biggest issue and not even what it started as.
